event BountyIssued(uint bountyId);
This is emitted when a new bounty is issued on the StandardBounties registry
event BountyActivated(uint bountyId, address issuer);
This is emitted when the bounty gets activated by the issuer
event BountyFulfilled(uint bountyId, address indexed fulfiller, uint256 indexed _fulfillmentId);
This is emitted when a given bounty is fulfilled
event FulfillmentUpdated(uint _bountyId, uint _fulfillmentId);
This is emitted when a given fulfillment is altered
event FulfillmentAccepted(uint bountyId, address indexed fulfiller, uint256 indexed _fulfillmentId);
This is emitted when a given fulfillment for a given bounty is accepted and paid
event BountyKilled(uint bountyId);
This is emitted when a given bounty is killed
event ContributionAdded(uint bountyId, address indexed contributor, uint256 value);
This is emitted when an individual contributes to a given bounty
event DeadlineExtended(uint bountyId, uint newDeadline);
This is emitted when the deadline of the bounty has been extended
event BountyChanged(uint bountyId);
This is emitted when the bounty has been changed (in the draft stage)
event IssuerTransferred(uint _bountyId, address indexed _newIssuer);
This is emitted when the issuer of a bounty transfers the ownership of the bounty to a new issuer.
event PayoutIncreased(uint _bountyId, uint _newFulfillmentAmount);
This is emitted when the issuer of a bounty increases the payout amount
Updated about 6 years ago