titlestringbounty title
descriptionstringbounty description
categoriesarraylist of categories the bounty falls under
tokenContractstringaddress of token used for bounty payout, zero address if bounty is in ether
experienceLevelenumtask difficulty, one of [Beginner, Intermediate, Expert]
issuer_emailstringbounty issuer's contact email
issuer_namestringbounty issuer's name
fulfillmentAmountnumberpayout for each fulfillment with decimals (i.e. 1 ETH, 10 DAI)
paysTokensbooleanwhether or not the bounty pays in ether or tokens
privateFulfillmentsbooleantrue if the fulfillments should be hidden in the UI, false if not
revisionsnumbernumber of expected changes to the bounty specification
sourceDirectoryHashstringIPFS data hash of associated bounty file
sourceFileNamestringfilename for associated bounty file
webReferenceURLstringWeb URL for additional information relating to the bounty
uidstringUnique identifier for updating draft bounties